8 Important ExerciseTraining Tips
1. Start Out Slowly - Don't try to make up for recent inactivity by overdoing any exercise program.
2. Use The Right Equipment - Make sure your exercise equipment is in good, safe working order.
3. Watch Your Form - Now that you're exercising, get the most out of it by using the proper form and techniques.
4. Set Small Goals - Small goals are easier to achieve and will help to keep you motivated.
5. Watch Your Diet - With the extra demands exercise places on your body you need the proper fuel, pay closer attention to your nutritional needs.
6. Get Plenty Of Rest - With the increase in activity, your body needs rest to help ensure you get the best results.
7. Drink Lots Of Water - Whether it's the demands of the warm summer weather or the cold dry air of winter, your body needs plenty of water to stay properly hydrated.
8. Consult A Physician - Be sure to check with your doctor before embarking on any new exercise program.