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Keep your quad pistons pumping! Start with a frame constructed of three-inch square tubing and 4″ x 2″ rectangular tubing, add in high performance linear bearings and case-hardened alloy steel shafting, throw in an engineered innovative design, and you end up with a machine of enormous power and durability. Look no further than this for a machine that allows your quad pistons to keep pumping.
Weight of unloaded footplate carriage: 85 pounds.
Abundant plate storage on eight chrome racking pegs.
Pop pin-adjustable seatback.
Weight horns are angled slightly upward for safety and to eliminate the need for clips.
Generous footplate area provides multiple foot placement options.
Convenient calf raise plate.
Shielded linear bearings glide smoothly on case-hardened, solid steel rods.
Fully welded frame for maximum rigidity, strength and durability.