*Extra shipping charges apply to this item: Due to the size and weight of this item, additional shipping charges may be added to your order.--- Within one business day of receiving your order, we will e-mail you the total shipping charges for your approval. You may also request a quote prior to ordering by contacting us via phone or email.
Only the quads know. But you will, too . . . after using the Leg Extension. Get ready for an intense workout. Lean back and position yourself perfectly, thanks to the well-padded adjustable back support and leg roller. Rubber handgrips help you lock yourself into place. The engineered cam delivers exactly the precise load needed during the entire range of movement. Feel the adrenaline flow as you go through the workout of your life. The Leg Extension will take your quads to places they’ve never been.
200-lb weight stack.
250-lb and 300-lb weight stack upgrades available.
NOTE: The feet of all pin select machines now feature 3.5 x 3-inch bolt-down tabs for enhanced safety and stability. The dimensions stated here properly reflect this change, but the bolt-down tabs may not be pictured in the photos above.