*Extra shipping charges apply to this item: Due to the size and weight of this item, additional shipping charges may be added to your order.--- Within one business day of receiving your order, we will e-mail you the total shipping charges for your approval. You may also request a quote prior to ordering by contacting us via phone or email.
Looking more like a barbarian king’s throne than an Olympic bench, the Pro Series Olympic Shoulder is one fully featured device. Featuring dual uprights and chrome plated multi-racking front and rear for increased safety and to give the user the option of working the barbell in front of the head or behind it, military-style. Here’s a rundown of the features that separate this piece from our standard Oly Shoulder:
• Scratch-resistant, 3/8 inch chrome-plated carbon steel Multi-Catch Racking System
• CAD developed, w/ minimal bolt usage that eases installation, but without compromises to stability & strength