The York FTS Lat Pull Down fitness machine is designed to allow users the benefits of using a cable column for improvements in strength and conditioning, without the cost associated with full commercial gym equipment.
Hi-low pulley system permits versatile use
1" diameter loading bar accepts both standard and Olympic plates
This order arrived and delivered in well packaged condition also palet and banded once inventoried fairly easy to assemble very solid I've been working out and competing in bodybuilding competitions for years so have used equipment at large gyms and this is as smooth and sturdy as some of the commercial pieces except it's not preloaded selectorized but load on the plates and get hardcore lat pull down and seated rows and tricep press downs with cable attachment handles bicep curls my girl friend has anke attachments and does leg curls and inner thigh adductor exercises single leg kickbacks for glutes!
All the above its a good buy
Doesn't come assembled ! But if it did cost would probably be substantially higher so this really isn't a CON!!!!